The combination of vitamin D3 and K2 with magnesium

Taking vitamin D is currently very popular. Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin, but a hormone-like substance which ensures that calcium from the intestines can be absorbed into the bloodstream. 90% of our Vitamin D  is produced in the skin under the influence of...

But just which probiotics do you need?

There are many different probiotic supplements for sale, but which one should you use? One of the primary requirements is to choose a product that contains different bacterial strains. To get you started, we have listed the primary ones below. Lactobacillus...

How to combine a colon cleanse with a liver cleanse

Spend some time looking it up on the internet and we can soon be inundated with all the different types of cleaning treatments. Some are effective, others less so. It is not easy for a layman in this field to know when to do which type of cleaning and in which order....

Why all the fuss about Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is essential for the production of collagen and other connective tissue molecules. It ensures that the blood vessels remain healthy and elastic. All tissues that give our body structure and strength such as the joints, tendons, skin, muscles (including the...