Taking vitamin D is currently very popular. Vitamin D is actually not a vitamin, but a hormone-like substance which ensures that calcium from the intestines can be absorbed into the bloodstream. 90% of our Vitamin D  is produced in the skin under the influence of sunlight and 10% is absorbed through our food.

Effects of a lack of vitamin D
In order to get enough vitamin D then, it is important to be sufficiently exposed to sunlight. We simply don’t get enough through our food. Unfortunately these days we live in doors so much, we work in the office under artificial light, or we watch television which is light, but the wrong type of light.

As a result, most people have a vitamin D deficiency, which leads to all kinds of health consequences. Being deficient in vitamin D can be behind many different complaints including osteoporosis, immune problems, muscle weakness, fatigue, MS, diabetes and depression. For this reason, my idealistic advice is to sit in the sun for at least 15 minutes every day, without the use of sunscreen or sunglasses, but lubricate your skin to prevent burning! The absorption of the sun’s rays through the eyes is also very important.

Because this is not feasible for everyone, I recommend supplementing with vitamin D..

What should you pay attention to when you start taking vitamin D
However, there are a few problems with taking vitamin D. First of all, vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin and the vast majority of us have difficulty absorbing fat soluble vitamins. Taking a liposomal vitamin D supplement solves this problem. Because the vitamin D in a liposomal type supplement is packed in a fat globule of material that resembles our cell walls, it is absorbed properly by the cells after being transported there by the blood.

That solves the problem of poor absorption, but there are a couple of other things to bear in mind if you are taking vitamin D in the form of a supplement.

The role of vitamin K
Supplementing vitamin D increases the absorption of calcium from the intestine into the blood. Without vitamin K, however, a large part of the calcium remains in the blood vessels, where it can cause arteriosclerosis. Calcium particles also accumulate in the rest of the body, which is undesirable. Vitamin K ensures that calcium from the blood enters the bones and teeth as it should.

In addition, vitamin K plays a role in blood clotting, ensuring that different types of blood clot no longer occur. Certain good bacteria in your intestine do produce vitamin K, but because we may have taken antibiotics or ingested them from meat, we do not have enough of those bacteria. It means we have a lack of vitamin K which cannot be solved by what we eat. Taking a supplement is again the solution. Vitamin K is hard for the body to absorb and so the liposomal type supplement is preferred.

Sufficient magnesium also plays a part in the functioning of vitamin D. When you start taking vitamin D, you automatically need more magnesium because it is the magnesium that makes the calcium soluble and absorbable by the body. Most people are already deficient in magnesium and if they start taking vitamin D, this shortage becomes even greater. Magnesium too is known for its difficult absorption, so again it is best taken as a liposomal supplement.

In conclusion, your ideal supplement would be one which combines vitamin D, vitamin K and magnesium in the correct proportions and in the liposomal format. You can read more about these dry liposomes and how they work in the body in the article Why Those Vitamins didn’t Do What You Expected Them To.