Articles about vitamins, natural health

8 tips for taking care of your immune system

1. Stomach acid A good immune response starts in the stomach. There, the gastric acid we use for digestion also eliminates bad bacteria and other pathogens such as fungi and parasites tha we ingest. Unfortunately, most adults make too little stomach acid due to our...

Sleep problems and digestion

More and more people seem to be having problems with their sleep nowadays. Some have trouble falling asleep and others wake up in the night or very early in the morning and cannot get back to sleep. This can result in a greatly reduced quality of life, leading many to...

The link between your adrenal glands and probiotics

People take probiotic supplements because of the benign intestinal bacteria they contain. There are many types of those benign bacteria, some more beneficial for the gut than others. These types of supplements are assumed to help the gut function better - which they...

Metabolism, the body’s engine

In terms of energy combustion there is not much difference between the combustion engine of a car and the human body. Both need oxygen and fuel for their energy supply. In fact the human body can be seen as a  carbon-oxygen machine. Fuel for the bodyActually there is...

Get fed properly during your holiday

When we go on holiday, our nutrition can deviate quite a bit from what we are used to, and often not in a positive way. If we're camping, we end up making  simple dishes such as stews and pasta. It's tasty, but can be lacking in vegetables. Eating out or having...