1. Stomach acid

A good immune response starts in the stomach. There, the gastric acid we use for digestion also eliminates bad bacteria and other pathogens such as fungi and parasites tha we ingest. Unfortunately, most adults make too little stomach acid due to our modern diet an ageing population. This problem can be remedied by taking the supplement Betaine HCL. Betaine HCL is a form of stomach acid that helps us digest our food better and protects us from pathogens.

2. The gut microbiome

The totality of all the bacteria in our gut is called the gut microbiome, which consists of both good and bad bacteria. A large part of our immune system depends on the proper functioning of those good bacteria. If they prevail and can do their job and they keep the pathogenic bacteria under control. They act as a first line of defence against bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites.

The typical person should have about 3 kilos, (7 pounds) (yes!) of these beneficial bacteria in their gut, but unfortunately the majority of us have less than half that much. That is why we have to ensure that the good bacteria are maintained and thus reduce the chances of getting sick.

3. Take care of the good intestinal bacteria

The first step towards better intestinal flora is a good colon cleansing treatment that cleans both the large and small intestines. After that, make sure the good bacteria get the nutrients they need to thrive. In particular get some resistant starch in your diet, a type of starch which we humans cannot digest, but good bacteria love. It is found in things like green bananas, sweet potato and prebiotic supplements. Not only is it the optimum food for good bacteria, but the bad bacteria actually don’t like it.

You can also increase the actual amount of bacteria you have in your gut by taking a good probiotic supplement, preferably one that contains several different bacterial strains. That diversity is important for a healthy intestinal flora.

4. Add good fatty acids such as Monolauric Acid to your diet

Fatty acids play an important role too. Getting enough of them is more difficult than it used to be due to our modern diet, so we simply need to add more. If you have enough of the fatty acid Monolauric Acid it will act against most viruses, bacteria and fungi in the digestive tract. It is found naturally in breast milk and certain vegetable oils such as coconut oil and is a very essential part of our diet. Unfortunately we cannot get enough monolauric acid from coconut oil alone, so taking it as a supplement is the best solution.

5. People no longer produce Vitamin C themselves

Despite all the mechanisms mentioned so far, pathogens still sometimes enter the blood from the intestines. That’s when our white blood cells come into action. There are several types of white blood cells and depending on which pathogen they have to deal with the body will produce more of the needed type. Our body uses a complex system to produce them involving many organs such as the lymph system, the spleen and liver. 

To keep all these organs functioning properly we have to make sure they get all the vitamins and minerals they need. Our distant ancestors had enough vitamin C available for this immune function because their bodies still produced vitamin C themselves. About 40,000 years ago, something went wrong in the genes of the human race, which means that we are now one of the few mammals on earth that no longer produce vitamin C. This is a major problem and leaves us prey to all kinds of infectious diseases. 

6. The power of liposomal Vitamin C

In his book “The Incurable Cure”, the American physician Dr. Thomas Levy describes how he treats all infectious diseases with very high doses of vitamin C. However, high doses of vitamin C are very difficult for the body to absorb and cause diarrhoea unless administered by infusion. Dr. Levy discovered that those infusions are not necessary if you use what is known as liposomal Vitamin C. A liposomal Vitamin C is 10 times stronger than a non-liposomal Vitamin C. According to Dr. Levy, a healthy person needs about 20 grams of vitamin C daily, someone with a bad flu or other infection needs 40 grams per day and people with chronic infectious diseases 60 grams per day. These amounts are not achievable with regular vitamin C, but in liposomal form they are.

7. Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins

There are a number of other important vitamins which support the immune system, among which vitamin D is the most critical. Half an hour of sunshine every day would be enough for us to produce all we need for ourselves, but few people eve get that much. Taking supplements is therefore the way to go, but most supplements are badly absorbed by the body. That’s why a liposomal version is the best way to get this vitamin all the way to your body’s cells.

8. Maintain your body’s pH level

The acidity of your body is another critical factor for your immune system. There are 171,000 (!) types of chemicals humans can come into contact with every day and ingesting too many of them acidifies the tissues, changes your body’s pH level and creates a nutrient base for pathogens. Pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites prefer an acidic environment. If you keep feeding them, they keep coming back.

Luckily, it is easy to handle the toxins using a substance called fulvic acid. Fulvic acid is a natural product from soil bacteria which acts as a magnet for all types of toxins we ingest. It will keep your body free of contaminants and help it maintain an acidity level which doesn’t favour pathogens.


Nature intended our bodies to have plenty of benign intestinal bacteria as well as the vitamins, minerals and fatty acids mentioned in this article. Unfortunately our diet has changed and now we don’t get enough of them. The things mentioned here will get your immune system working naturally again.

Sometimes even that is not enough. If so, you can fix things by up using herbal extracts such as Cats Claw, Saw Palmetto,Reishi and other mushrooms as well as products like Colloidal Silver and Beta Glucan.